Mare Bogeva Micovska
Mare Bogeva Micovska MA was born on 19 April 1974 in Skopje. She finished primary and secondary school in her native town. During her education, she showed continuous exemplary records. She graduated from the Faculty of Law at Ss. Cyril and Methodious University in Skopje. Immediately after graduation, she enrolled for post-graduate studies, International Law at the Faculty of Law Iustinianus Primus – Skopje. In 2009, Ms. Bogeva Micovska acquired MA title in the field of international law.
She has been showing successful performance in the field of public procurement in the last eight years. In December 2000, she was engaged as junior associate in the Public Procurement Unit in the Ministry of Finance, and in 2004, she was involved in the establishment of the Public Procurement System Department. Ms. Bogeva Micovska was as an adviser in the Public Procurement Bureau in 2005, a body within the Ministry of Finance. She also participated in many seminars and trainings in the country and abroad in the field of public procurement.
2006 – 2014 – Director of the Public Procurement Bureau. Public Procurement Bureau is a central-government institution in charge of public procurement system development, ensuring legality, rationality, efficiency and transparency in the carrying out public procurement, encouraging competition and equality of the tenderers in public procurement procedures. She has been actively involved in the preparation of the legislation (laws, bylaws, decrees, rulebooks) related to public procurement, concessions, public-private partnership, as well as review procedures in the contract award procedures. When attending number of seminars, trainings and conferences in the country and abroad, she appeared as a participant, speaker and chairperson. Ms. Bogeva Micovska is representative of the Republic of Macedonia in the EU Advisory Committee on Public Procurement. Mare Bogeva Micovska MA has written and published many works in the field of law, in particular public procurement and review procedures thereof.
She is Head of Chapter 5 Working Group in the field of public procurement, pertaining to harmonization of the national legislation with the EU Acquis.